Jul 18

PV Community Day … 2021 Version

PV Community Day…2021 Version
If you are a PV you remember our Sunday tradition of Community Day. We would spend time together as a community playing games, exploring the local area and getting to know each other. This past Friday, the last day of the volunteer week, Community Day took on a different meaning. The volunteers worked side by side with some of the local community working on projects at the church. In the morning volunteers assembled a new picnic table in the playground and cleaned newly donated patio chairs. The church hopes to make a nice outdoor space for people to hang out in. In the afternoon some volunteers helped to replace damaged ceiling tiles while others helped to unpack donated items in the Rummage Room for a future Rummage Sale.

To continue with the Community Day theme, we shared our evening meal with several local community members including two former PV Mullens Soccer Campers. It was especially great to reconnect with them and hear about what they are up do. There may have also been some talk about reviving the camp next summer with their help : )

The day and the week ended with a closing reflection focused on transformation. We shared transformations we have witnessed and/or gone through ourselves.

Thank you to the volunteers who gave of their time and talents to make this week special. We really weren’t sure what to expect starting up again after this past year of uncertainty. We may have been a small group, but the work that was done and lives touched will have a lasting impact. We will be taking a week hiatus, but will be back in action July 25th we hope you continue to follow along.

PV Mullens Soccer Campers Reunion
Jul 13

Getting Down and Dirty

Today was a good day, if not a little dirty, hot and sweaty and buggy. We started work on a house on Pineville-Welch Road. She needs a new roof, but we are unable to do it for this summer due to lack of time and people, but we wanted to try and stop the water from getting in until we can get to her roof. We started to tarp the the top, tight and snug. Dealing with a tarp that size was a little unwieldy, not to mention the wasps that were not happy we were doing what we were doing, but we manage to get half of it tarped. Inside, a crew worked to replace part of the floor right inside the door that was really soft from the rain leaking in. As usual it was like doing a jigsaw puzzle to make all the pieces fit. All in all, a lot of good work was done and there are a lot of tired PVs tonight.

Dinner tonight was scrumptious as well. We had a southwestern salad with or without chicken, salad and homemade soda bread. I think it tasted extra good after a tiring day. We also had the pleasure of a stop by from Donna and had a great chat and catch-up.

Tonight’s reflection was about Joan of Arc. We learned about her life and her motivation to follow God’s plan. We were then asked to reflect on what God’s plan may be for us in life.

*Reminder, we have been able to post if we do not include pictures. Please check our instagram and facebook for pictures!